Nov 29, 2007

GOOD Morning

GOOD Morning Everyone! Yup so far so GOOD! The girls got to school on time today for the first time all week! The boys slept in though so I think thats why. I tell ya, 8am for school to start is way to early for me. Should be more like 8:30am.

Kristopher still has a runny nose this morning...but its turning clear. So thats GOOD! CJ is being calm and watching Elmo on TV, so thats GOOD! Kailey had to take snack for her class today and was all excited and she actually reminded me! So thats GOOD! Hubby said he will try to be home for dinner for the first time this week, so thats GOOD! Maybe this is just going to be a GOOD Day!!! (i can dream right?)

We got Girl Scout Pocket Calendars Wednesday night and parents are already fighting over them. So I don't think I'll have a problem getting them all sold with parents acting that way. Cassie is selling 3 and Kailey 2. Kailey is going to try to sell hers to her teachers. Cassie wants to sell me one, her teacher one, and I have no clue as to who she wants to sell the last one too. I think I'll take them with me today when I go pick them up and they can try to sell them this afternoon, before the other Girl Scouts get to them first. lol. I'm hoping our Wall Calendars will be in before next Wednesday! Those are my Christmas Presents!

Well I don't know what else to ramble about...oh we get paid today, so I get to finish my Christmas Shopping online today!!! WOOHOO for getting to spend money!

Okay well I guess I better go. I've got to clean up the livingroom and throw some dishes in the dishwasher and vaccum some, oh and I need to laundry...never ending...It sounds like my neighbors above me are skating through the house, joy!

P.S. Sorry No Comic Today

1 comment:

Mama said...

I wish the rest of your day had been all GOOD. Poor Kailey...please keep me updated on her and PLEASE give her a big hug and a kiss from her Nana (who loves her more than she'll ever, ever know). She is my precious angel. Hope you have a great weekend!

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