Aug 31, 2006

More Info on Kailey & School

She starts Kindergarten on Tuesday of next week. Monday, Wednesday, and Friday she will attend PSCD (Pre-School Child Development) from 12 noon to 2pm. She will continue to see the speech therapist and physical therapist sometime during the week.

Kindergarten sends home Homework every Monday and it has to be turned in by Friday. She already has her first assignment...Writing her name! Boy was that fun tonight. It took about 30 mins to get her to trace the letters in her name and by then she was totally frustrated and wanted to quit. She doesn't understand they are letters and why she has to follow the lines. So explaining that to her was a challenge in itself. I don't know how this year is going to go, but I'll keep everyone updated.


Mama said...

Sweetie, Sounds like Kailey is off to a good start though. Just keep it up everyday and she will get used to tracing the lines and will finally learn to write her name. She is such a precious little girl. I love her so much! So does Papa! Give my babies a big kiss and hug from us! We love you honey!

Lucinda said...

I'm glad to hear that she's going to get some extra help a few days a week. Keep working with her, and she'll do fine.
Uncle Bryan and I send our love to your whole family.

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