Dec 5, 2008


Well its finally Friday. But the hubby has school all weekend so there isn't much special about this weekend. Well except I have 2 final projects due Sunday night. One is almost finished and I haven't even started on the second. So yea I'm going to be busy this weekend doing homework. What fun! I'm hoping the hubby gets off early today like he said he would, cause I really don't want to do grocery shopping by myself with 4 kids tomorrow. So maybe we can go tonight. Well nothing really else to run my mouth/fingers about. Just another day at the house.


Anonymous said...

I see you've changed the looks great! Honey, those pictures are so pretty. Don't you let Chuck working get you down. You knew he was in the Army when you married him. You are an old army brat wife now, lol. Let's pray that he will get off early today though and help you get groceries. Try to work hard to get that homework finished so you can relax some. Hope you all have a great weekend! Love you bunches, Mama

Anonymous said...

I love your new background! So pretty.


Cassie said...

Hi Kristy! Thank you for visiting my blog! I always love to hear that other people share my name! For the longest time, I only knew one other Cassie. My full first name is Cassandra. Have a great weekend!

Whitney said...

Thanks for stopping by my blog!! I love the Twilight cards! Althought I wasn't as madly in love with the movie as I thought I would be, it was still pretty good! Good luck with all of your final projects!!

Melissa said...

Wow! You are one busy mama! It's amzaing and inspirational that you are able to find time for school while raising four little ones. Good luck with your projects!

Denise Grover Swank said...

Dropping by from SITS...

I've done the shopping with lots of kids-- NO FUN!!! Hope you got to enjoy your shopping trip alone. Good luck on your finals! Been there, done that too with kids.

Cass said...

Thanks so much for entering my giveaway & stopping by my blog! Good luck!

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