Oct 28, 2007

Girl Scout Sleepover Pictures

The sleepover was a blast! It was really crazy though let me tell ya. They split up my troop so it was so hard to keep up with them all. My last girl finally went to sleep around 4am. Somebody woke up crying for their mama around 5:30am and woke me up. Then after tossing and turning they woke us up at 7am. I think I got a total of 2 hours of sleep. But anyways, here are some pictures:

Kailey had just came down off the slide of the bouncy castle:

Cassie was playing Disney Scene It and turned around to give me a silly face:

Kailey playing Disney Scene It, she had just rolled the dice:

Kailey and Cassie eating their Ice Cream Sundaes:

Cassie jumping on the Bouncy Castle:

Aleasa and Me During Karaoke:

Teia (Beth's Daughter, she isn't in my troop but she slept with us) and Cassie and Kailey before Popcorn and Movie time. They are holding our Troop Mascot, Lily the bunny:

Here is a group picture of some of my troop (Asha, MacKenzie, Riley, Natalie, Brittnei and Mascot Lily):

Here is our Spot in the Gym, you can see most of our sleeping bags. I had 11 girls stay the night:

The next morning they had muffins and apples for breakfast....Here is Kailey getting hers:

And Cassie getting hers:

These pictures are of Kristopher and CJ from Thursday or Friday I can't remember. But they were on my camera when I uploaded the Girl Scout Sleepover ones, so I wanted to share these as well:

1 comment:

Mama said...

Looks like you and all the girls had a great time at your sleepover. I thought about you that night wondering if you got any sleep, lol! I can't get over how much CJ and Kris have grown! Kris has lots more teeth too! Have you rearranged the living room again? haha It looks great! Missed talking to you this weekend. Hope you had a good one! Love you bunches baby!

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