Oct 30, 2007

Tuesday Morning

Oh to be lazy! I'm still sitting in my Pajamas! Chuck took the girls to school this morning because he had to be in to work early. So I didn't even have to get dressed. lol

Sad News:
Kristopher is still allergic to milk. I've been giving him alot more milk products only for him to start breaking out again real bad on his legs and neck. UGH! Poor little guy. So i'm back to cutting out all milk again. They say most kids outgrow it by the age of one, but not this little guy, he turns 1 in 2 weeks and he is still breaking out because of it. Alot of the stuff he eats has soy products in it. So if he continues to break out and it doesn't get better, I'll know he is also allergic to soy then i'll just cry. But lets just pray that doesn't happen. *fingers crossed*

Well today is Tuesday, so we get to go to PLAYGROUP after school, the kids will have a blast like always i'm sure.

Kristopher is trying his best to get around in his walker now. Even with the stoppers on he is trying to move it. I haven't been letting him walk in it, just sit in it to watch tv or play with his toys. But he has learned that it moves...ugh! lol

CJ sure has been in a bad mood so far this morning. Screaming when Kristopher even gets close to his toys. I can see in his future lots of time outs today.

Tonight I plan to make Halloween cookies with the girls, pull out all the costumes, and I believe we are going to carve our pumpkins. So lots to do tonight. I'll take tons of pictures I promise!

Well im going to go. Maybe I'll remember to take the camera to playgroup today and get some pictures for you guys. Love you all!

Oct 28, 2007

Girl Scout Sleepover Pictures

The sleepover was a blast! It was really crazy though let me tell ya. They split up my troop so it was so hard to keep up with them all. My last girl finally went to sleep around 4am. Somebody woke up crying for their mama around 5:30am and woke me up. Then after tossing and turning they woke us up at 7am. I think I got a total of 2 hours of sleep. But anyways, here are some pictures:

Kailey had just came down off the slide of the bouncy castle:

Cassie was playing Disney Scene It and turned around to give me a silly face:

Kailey playing Disney Scene It, she had just rolled the dice:

Kailey and Cassie eating their Ice Cream Sundaes:

Cassie jumping on the Bouncy Castle:

Aleasa and Me During Karaoke:

Teia (Beth's Daughter, she isn't in my troop but she slept with us) and Cassie and Kailey before Popcorn and Movie time. They are holding our Troop Mascot, Lily the bunny:

Here is a group picture of some of my troop (Asha, MacKenzie, Riley, Natalie, Brittnei and Mascot Lily):

Here is our Spot in the Gym, you can see most of our sleeping bags. I had 11 girls stay the night:

The next morning they had muffins and apples for breakfast....Here is Kailey getting hers:

And Cassie getting hers:

These pictures are of Kristopher and CJ from Thursday or Friday I can't remember. But they were on my camera when I uploaded the Girl Scout Sleepover ones, so I wanted to share these as well:

Oct 25, 2007

What's Up?

Last night was our 2nd meeting of Girl Scouts. I didn't get not one picture either. UGH! I totally forgot to pull the camera out. But it was an AWESOME meeting and turned out GREAT!!! Chuck had the boys here at home, so I didn't have to worry about where they were or what are they getting into. All I had to do was focus on the girls and enjoy the meeting. It went so smoothly. I hope they all continue to be that way. Still sucks though I didn't get any pictures *pouts*

Tonight is our Leaders meeting but I don't believe I'm going to go. Friday night is the Girl Scout Sleepover at the Smith Elementry school. We are suppose to be there at 5pm and its over the next day at 9am on Saturday. I ordered sleeping bags online but of course they are not here yet. So if they don't get here by tomorrow me and the girls are just taking blankets I guess. I'll probably get there late of course because we can't go until Chuck gets home from work. It should be alot of fun though. They are ordering Pizza, there is going to be a huge bouncy castle, they are making a friendship bracelet and alot of other things are planned. I'll be sure to take the camera so I can get a TON of pictures!!! Almost my whole troop will be there so I'm sure its going to be wild. Wish me luck!

Cassie got in trouble again yesterday at school for playing in the bathroom. This time she turned the lights out on everybody. So I told her one more time and no TV for a week. I'm sure it will happen again today, she will play or something in the bathroom and then I'll have the joy of making sure she doesn't watch TV for 5 days. Being a mom is NO JOKE! So say a prayer for Cassie and Me! lol

Well I gotta run, I think the boys are up from nap so I gotta bring them in here and The Young and Restless comes on in about 30 minutes. I'll update probably Saturday or Sunday with a ton of pictures from the sleepover. Have a great weekend everyone!!!

Oct 23, 2007

Cassie Dancing (VIDEO)

This is the cutest thing ever. Cassie is a huge dancer. She has to dance as soon as she hears any music. Well at the end of the Little Mermaid DVD they play a song and so of course she just had to dance, well I caught it on video!!! lol

My friend Jamie said I should play it at her wedding...LOL!


Good morning everybody. I need to update this thing more often, dont I? I try to at least put pictures on here, but I dont ever type anything. So lets see whats going on around here lately...

Today is Tuesday so that means we get to go to Playgroup after school. Kailey's old PSCD class has playgroup on Tuesdays from 2:30pm to 3:30pm. The kids love it! I think its really good for CJ too to get out and interact with other kids. We play, sing songs, have a quick snack, and then play with playdoh (which CJ always has to eat EWWW) and we made a craft one time. I really enjoy it too, shhh don't tell nobody.

This morning was crazy, I washed clothes last night before I went to bed and told myself I'd have to get up sometime during the middle of the night to throw them in the dryer so they would be dry by morning. Well of course the one night I actually sleep good is the one night I shouldn't have so I could throw the clothes in the dryer. So anyways this morning I put them in the dryer and of course they were not dry in time. They had other clean clothes though, but they didn't get to wear what I wanted them to. Figures...

Kailey was sick this past Sunday, but was fine yesterday. Boy she can bounce back fast! Yesterday she wanted to eat everything in the fridge and had way to much energy. lol

Oh last night when I was putting the girls to bed, we found Kitty Kat at the end of Kailey's bed. So of course the girls had to give her some loving!
Here are a couple of pictures:

Today during playgroup I have to go down to Cassie's class and talk to her teacher, whom I don't like much. Hopefully they will watch CJ long enough for me to go down there and talk to her. Its hard to talk with anybody with CJ grabbing everything and getting into everything he isn't suppose to. So hopefully they will watch him for a few minutes, if not i'll have to drag him with me. *sigh*

Well I'll update on how the parent/teacher meeting goes later tonight or in the morning.

Wanted to update on the meeting-------It went well. The teacher wasn't getting my emails so I gave her another email account of mine, hopefully that works. Cassie has been getting her coins taken away from playing in the bathroom during bathroom break and that has alot to do with her not getting to do Fun Friday. Also the teacher thinks she isn't keeping up with her coins or either someone is stealing them. So me and Cassie are going to make a "bank" tonight to put her coins in so they will be safe. :)

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