Oct 23, 2007


Good morning everybody. I need to update this thing more often, dont I? I try to at least put pictures on here, but I dont ever type anything. So lets see whats going on around here lately...

Today is Tuesday so that means we get to go to Playgroup after school. Kailey's old PSCD class has playgroup on Tuesdays from 2:30pm to 3:30pm. The kids love it! I think its really good for CJ too to get out and interact with other kids. We play, sing songs, have a quick snack, and then play with playdoh (which CJ always has to eat EWWW) and we made a craft one time. I really enjoy it too, shhh don't tell nobody.

This morning was crazy, I washed clothes last night before I went to bed and told myself I'd have to get up sometime during the middle of the night to throw them in the dryer so they would be dry by morning. Well of course the one night I actually sleep good is the one night I shouldn't have so I could throw the clothes in the dryer. So anyways this morning I put them in the dryer and of course they were not dry in time. They had other clean clothes though, but they didn't get to wear what I wanted them to. Figures...

Kailey was sick this past Sunday, but was fine yesterday. Boy she can bounce back fast! Yesterday she wanted to eat everything in the fridge and had way to much energy. lol

Oh last night when I was putting the girls to bed, we found Kitty Kat at the end of Kailey's bed. So of course the girls had to give her some loving!
Here are a couple of pictures:

Today during playgroup I have to go down to Cassie's class and talk to her teacher, whom I don't like much. Hopefully they will watch CJ long enough for me to go down there and talk to her. Its hard to talk with anybody with CJ grabbing everything and getting into everything he isn't suppose to. So hopefully they will watch him for a few minutes, if not i'll have to drag him with me. *sigh*

Well I'll update on how the parent/teacher meeting goes later tonight or in the morning.

Wanted to update on the meeting-------It went well. The teacher wasn't getting my emails so I gave her another email account of mine, hopefully that works. Cassie has been getting her coins taken away from playing in the bathroom during bathroom break and that has alot to do with her not getting to do Fun Friday. Also the teacher thinks she isn't keeping up with her coins or either someone is stealing them. So me and Cassie are going to make a "bank" tonight to put her coins in so they will be safe. :)

1 comment:

Mama said...

The pictures are adorable! They look so sweet. Wish I was there to tuck them in. Tell them Nana loves them very much and misses them like crazy! I'm glad you are gonna help Cassie keep up with her coins. You are such a great Mom! I love you so much honey. I can't wait till you guys get back over here!

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