Nov 14, 2009

Saturday Shout-Out!

I like giving reviews to websites that happen to catch my eye now and then. I am a huge Google search junkie. Isaturday love finding new sites with kewl and interesting things. Online shops, helpful tips, etc. I don’t get paid to review these websites. Heck they may not even know I am reviewing them. But if it helps them out a little bit with their traffic, then all the better. If you would like me to review your website/blog just let me know and I’ll give it some consideration.

Today’s Saturday Shout-Out goes to The Vintage Pearl. I love their website. It’s so pretty and inviting. From the first time I saw their homepage, I immediately wanted to see more inside this fabulous little shop. Oh and was I surprised! Their jewelry is beautiful. blogad1-3 My most favorite item would have to be the Dainty Drops. But with me having 4 kids, a whopping $58 for something like this is a bit steep for me. I mean I understand you get 4 charms, but still. I guess I’m just cheap. I could see maybe paying $30 tops for a necklace like this, but no more. But hey some people don’t mind buying expensive handmade items. I am by no means giving this website a negative review, because I really love this little shop. It’s just the prices for me and my clan are a bit expensive. But for those of you with one or two kids, it would be a perfect place to get some handmade items that you just may cherish forever.

Well I’m off to get ready for a friends birthday party. Hope everyone has an Splendid Saturday!

Nov 13, 2009

Happy 3rd Birthday Kristopher!

My baby turned 3 years old today. On Friday the 13th of all days. We had a little party over at my mom's house tonight. The bigger party is the 21st, next Saturday. Here are some pics from tonight’s little party though.

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Nov 12, 2009

Thankful Thursday

Thankful Thursday at Truth 4 the Journey

Okay so I’m suppose to post a list of 5 things I am thankful for says I’ll try to do this every Thursday if I can remember.

1. I am thankful for my children and their health.

2. I am thankful for my wonderful husband who provides for our family in many ways.

3. I am thankful for a roof over my head, water, heat, and food in my mouth.

4. I am thankful for my family and friends too of course.

5. I am thankful for my new job. It’s the best!

Nov 10, 2009

Rain Rain Go Away!

OMG its pouring outside. I hate rain. Our lights have even flickered a few times. My mom tried to tell me to get my grocery shopping in before today because it was going to be nasty out. But did I listen? NO! I’m so hardheaded. But we should be good. I mean we have food, we shouldn’t starve to death.


Rain anyone?

12 Days of Junkie

Hey everybody! Tip Junkie is hosting a 12 Days of Christmas/Junkie Giveaway. Every day for 12 days they are giving away 2 gifts! To join in on the fun, go to and follow the rules. Good luck everyone!

Nov 9, 2009

New Moon – The Twilight Saga

I am getting SOOOOOO extremely excited for the New Moon Movie coming out in 10 days 12 hours and 47 minutes! I’ve been watching Movie Trailers and keeping up with all the twilight websites for spoilers, videos, and just anything and everything twilight saga related. This morning I found out when the Eclipse movie is coming out!!!! 30 June 2010 Thank goodness we don’t have to wait till the end of the year again for the next movie! So who else out there is a huge Twilight Saga fan? Who is going to rush to the theatre first thing on Nov. 20th to see New Moon? I’m hoping to go that night sometime, depends on all the kids though. *sigh*

Nov 8, 2009

I should be ashamed of myself!

I haven’t posted in 2 months! Can you believe that? TWO MONTHS! I should be ashamed of myself. So what’s happened in my life the past 2 months? I got a job! First one in 9 years! If that isn’t an accomplishment, I don’t know what is! I’m working from home as a Virtual Assistant with a great company and loving it!

Some updated pictures of me and the kids from this past Saturday at the mall on the Carousel ride:

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We went trick or treating of course for Halloween 9 days ago, some pictures to capture the moment:

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My brother recently got a Tattoo:


Oh and a new picture of the hubby who is STILL rotting in Iraq:


^^^^That’s him on the far left sleeping. lol

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