Mar 23, 2009

Update on the hubby Chuck

I’ve got to talk to him a number of times on the phone so far and we have even gotten the chance to talk on the internet twice! YAY! He seems to be doing okay. Here are some pictures he sent me.

This is Chuck and one of his friends drivers.


This one is at the Iraqi police station which was Sadams brothers palace he said.


This one is of him over looking the Tigris river from one of the Iraqi police stations.


When we were chatting on webcams the other day I took a few screen shots. He got bit by a scorpion so I took a shot of his hand.


Then I talked him into smiling for me:


He is BALD!!! lol!

He said they have a countdown on our their dry erase board with the days till they come home. How kewl and sweet is that?!?!

Mar 22, 2009

Weekend Pictures

Papa and CJ raked leaves and then mowed the grass Saturday evening. CJ had a blast “helping” Papa!


Saturday night we got to babysit the most adorable little girl on the planet! Of course Nana hogged her the whole time. lol. Here they are hanging out in Uncle Chuck’s recliner…the most comfortable chair in the house everyone says. lol.

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Here is Adrian trying on her new hat and sunglasses her Mama and Daddy got her.

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And here she is sporting CJ’s sunglasses from when he was little. Isn't she just adorable?!?!


Mar 17, 2009

Mar 16, 2009

CJ’s 4th Birthday Party

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CJ with his Lightening McQueen Birthday Cake! Blow out them candles big boy!

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We had a great turn out of people to come to the party! Thank you Everyone!!! There were 28 people in mama’s house all at once!

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He got some great gifts too! The boys have been fighting over them too! LOL!

Mar 13, 2009

Reese, Our new addition to the family

Well as I had posted earlier this week, we lost our sweet Chloe. To my surprise someone was looking to get rid of their little male Yorkie that was almost the exact age as Chloe. We adopted little Reese last night. Here are some pictures I took of him this morning:


Isn’t he adorable? And so full of energy I must say! I took about 25 pictures to get these 4 good ones. Most turned out in a blur. lol

Mar 10, 2009

Missing My Puppy Chloe

Well today is the first day of not seeing my baby Chloe. Yesterday I only saw her for a short time, while she laid on her blanket motionless. Her little heart stopped beating around 8am. She managed to fight for her life through out the night, but it was just to much for her little body. We still don’t know exactly why she died. I guess only God knows. She was the best puppy in the world though and I’ll never forget her.

In other news…I finally got back an estimate on my house plans and it was way to expensive for my liking. So I picked another house plan, with only a few changes this time, and I’m hoping to hear something today or tomorrow. The stress of house buying never ends it seems.

Well I’m off to clean house and watch my Soaps too. If you have a pet, give them a hug and kiss now, because you never know how much time you have left with them.

Here is the last picture I took of Chloe (it was taken right before we took her to the vet with my cell phone) She was so very sick…


Mar 9, 2009

R.I.P. Chloe


Dear Chloe,

Chloe, we only had you for a short time. You were only 10 months old when you passed away. But I want you to know how much I loved you and how happy you made me. I loved playing fetch with you with your favorite green ball. The way you would cock your head to the side when you looked at me, would make my heart melt. I’ll never forget you sweet girl. We all miss you so very much. Rest in peace and I hope you have a wonderful time on the other side of that beautiful rainbow bridge.

Love you,

Daddy, Mama, Cassie, Kailey, CJ, and Kristopher

Mar 6, 2009

What a good night!

I got a call from the hubby about 12:45am! He said most the guys were now feeling much better. No more stomach bug and stopped up noses! YAY! And to make the night even better, I got an email as well! I mean it doesn’t get much better than that does it? A phone call and an email all in one night! Wooooo it must be my lucky day!

I’m hoping to get a price on my floor plans for my first home today! So keep your fingers crossed that my good vibe continues throughout the day! I’d love to get a good price on my house so that I can get a piece of land in a really nice neighborhood, where my mother lives! Today is going so far so good!

Oh a quick picture I found online that I want my house to look like, my floor plan almost matches it to a T!


Isn’t it beautiful!?!?!?!

Mar 4, 2009

Wordless Wednesday

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Happy 15th Birthday Shannon!!!! Your a wonderful sister and a great Aunt to my kids! Thank you for being you! (Okay well it’s not a totally wordless post! lol)

Mar 3, 2009

I got an Email from Hubby!

He told me I was beautiful and that he loved me very much. He said its starting to get hot there, I’m sure it’s just going to get hotter too. I just look forward to seeing him on the webcam…probably going to take a few more weeks though. I hate having to wait.

Hopefully today I’ll hear about my modular home. They are suppose to give me a price on the 4 bedroom 3 bathroom layout I created. It’s already 11am and I still haven’t heard anything. Starting to get impatient here. LOL! I was hoping I wouldn’t have to pay to keep my things in storage past the end of March, but I really don’t think that’s going to happen now. So I’ll have to pay for another month. Blah!

Me and the kids are feeling better today. Kristopher has been eating and playing all day. The boys have been playing cars, watching TV, and fighting like normal. So hopefully we don’t all get sick again for a very long time. Because getting sick all the time is really starting to get frustrating!

Mar 1, 2009

Quick update

I wanted to update you on my situation here at home. My 2 year old has been sick since Wednesday. He has the Rotavirus. We have had a horrible time with him the last few days. He hasn't been able to keep much down and has been glued to me. Well thank goodness for Nana’s and Papa’s too, they have been such a HUGE help! But I tell ya, when kids are sick they always seem to want mommy. So of course I ended up getting sick as well from being in such close contact with him constantly, (and those kisses he kept giving me when he was feeling better at moments – who can resist those???)…anyway, my symptoms are not as bad as his. I'm finally starting to recover, but my 2 year old is still very sick. The local doctor even made a house call last night to bring us some phenergan gel to rub on his wrists to help him stop throwing up and so he could get some sleep last night, something none of us have had much of recently due to him being so sick. The doctor is a close neighbor friend, so we were so thankful he stopped by to help. Anyway, I'm going to try to catch up on my school work now. The baby is sleeping and I'm extremely tired, but I'm going to try to get it all done tonight before I go to bed.

Oh I heard from the hubby early this morning at like 12:15am. I tell ya the time difference is a pain in the butt for me. But I'm not complaining, I don’t honestly care what time he calls, as long as he calls. :) He said he was feeling better and that soon he hopes to have an address and some internet. I can’t hardly wait to finally send him a letter or a box full of goodies. Oh and to see him on webcam! I can’t hardly wait!

Not to much to update on the house hunting…I put in some floor plans for a modular home through Clayton Homes and I’m waiting to hear back from them with a price…wish me luck!

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