Oct 21, 2008

Pictures of our Texas Home, Please Excuse the Mess!

First is the boys room. We have yet to put up the crib for Kris if your wondering why the playpen is up.

IMG_0556 IMG_0557 IMG_0558 IMG_0559 

Then the girls room. The last picture is their shirt from school they wear on Fridays. I figured I'd throw that in there. ;)

IMG_0560 IMG_0561 IMG_0562 IMG_0563

Now lets see, lets do the living room next, then the dining room:

IMG_0564 IMG_0565IMG_0566 IMG_0567 IMG_0569 IMG_0570

The kitchen:

IMG_0571 IMG_0572

And lastly the bathrooms. First the kids bathroom, then mine:

IMG_0574 IMG_0573 IMG_0576 IMG_0575

We still have boxes and stuff everywhere. The house is a mess in my opinion. But in time we should get it all organized and everything will have a place. I'm looking forward to the Garage Sale to get rid of most of our stuff that is just taking up space.

I'm glad we chose to stay in a house on the East side of town. Chuck works with a guy who lives on the West side of town and his truck was broken into right outside his apartment. Scary! While I am on the subject of Chuck, he seems to really be getting along with his co-workers and settling in good so far. Which is awesome news compared to Germany. They are already talking about sending him to the promotion board! YAY!


Anonymous said...

I'm so glad you shared these pictures! Now I can see where ya'll are and where my babies sleep! Thank You SOOOOo Much! Your house is beautiful!

Angie said...

Thank you for finally putting pictures up so that your family here can have the grand tour! I agree with Aunt Denise, your house is beautiful! Yeah, I don't think I would want to live on that side of town if people break into things right infront of where you live. Good going getting on the right side of town!

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