Nov 14, 2006

Baby Kristopher & I are home!

I'll tell ya'll the birth story first real fast:
At 9:10pm on Nov. 12th my water broke. Husband came home from work and drove me to the hospital. As soon as I got out of the blazer to go inside, my water leaked all down my legs into my shoes and left a HUGE puddle by the door! LOL! I was checked into Labor & Delivery at 10:15pm. At 10:30pm they checked me and I was at 4cm and 80% effaced. I asked for some IV medicine to help take the edge off the contractions that were already 2-3 mins apart. At midnight they checked me again and I was at 7cm. Then at 12:45am I was 9cm. Then I started to feel like I had to push so I begged them to check me again and this was at 12:55am and yup I was at 10cm and he was ready to come. He was born at 1:12am on November 13th. It all happened really fast!!! To bad he wasn't born before midnight he got stuck being born on the 13th. Lets see, his stats were:Born 1:12am on Nov. 13thWeighed 8 lbs. 4 oz.21 inches longSo glad its over!!!

We got home a little before 2pm today. So glad I didn't have to stay at the hospital for very long. Contractions suck pretty bad still, but the Motrin seems to help. Kristopher is nursing really well, even tho it hurts at times, i'm hanging in there. My bottom is still sore, but thats pretty normal. He has his days and nights mixed up already, so not much sleep last night. Trying to keep him awake today as much as possible. Here is a picture of him we took when we got home.

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I'll post more later when I have a chance.

Oh and you wanna hear something really weird???He got his tongue stuck between his gums on the way out during birth so he has this HUGE bruise on his little tongue. When he sticks his tongue out all you see is purple! Looks painful but it doesn't seem to bother him. All the nurses said they had never heard of a baby bitting his tongue on the way out...leave it up to one of my kids to do something crazy like that! LOL!


Mama said...

So glad he's finally here and that you both are doing so good. You better sleep when he sleeps! Tell Chuck to just hang in there, it will get better. He just has to give you time to heal and rest. He's such a good man and I'm so proud of both of you. Kiss all my babies for me and tell them that we all love them. We love you all very much honey! Love, Mama

Hayley(f4l) said...

oh man he is a darling hes gonna grow up to be as beautiful as Cassie Kailey and CJ he looks so alert awake and alert its hard to believe he was only a day old on the picture well done Kristy,, a huge congratulations to all the family,, can i ask with Kristopher being born in Germany will he have a German passport??? lots of love to you all from Hayley (F4L)xxxx

Anonymous said...

Hello precious Kristy and family,
I am so proud of you all and I thank the Lord that the baby is here and all is well. He is precious and looks a lot like his daddy. When I got the baby picture from Denise today I thought it was C. J. ha ha
I was touched when I learned you had named him James. It may have been for another reason but I thought about PaPa and I know he would be so proud. Kiss those precious little girls for me and tell them I love them so very much. With all my love always, Grannie

Anonymous said...

Kristy and Chuck

you have such adoreable baby congrats on your new born


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