Somebody posted this on for people born in May. I was very surprised at how much it sounded like me!
Stubborn and hard-hearted. I am very stubborn!
Strong-willed and highly motivated. About certain things I am!
Sharp thoughts. Not sure?
Easily angered. Only when Pregnant! LOL!
Attracts others and loves attention. I love attention from my husband if that counts!
Deep feelings. About certain things I do!
Beautiful physically and mentally. People tell me so!
Firm Standpoint. Again, about certain things!
Needs no motivation. Actually I DO!
Shy towards opposite sex. VERY TRUE! LOL!
Easily consoled. I would have to agree!
Systematic (left brain). Loves to dream. I think thats true as well!
Understanding. I think I am for the most part!
Sickness usually in the ear and neck. Interesting and so true!
Good imagination. Thats for sure!
Good physical. I dunno, I'm lazy!
Weak breathing. I'm not sure?
Loves literature and the arts. This is very true too!
Loves travelling. YES, look where I live!
Dislikebeing at home. OH YES!!! I hate being stuck at home!!!
Restless. Sometimes!
Having many children. HAHA! Four kids does seem like many to me!
Hardworking. I think I am!
High spirited. Yea!
So anyways, just wanted to share. Thought it was interesting. I wonder if other May people are the same way? My husband was born in May, I'll have to ask him. Oh and so was my step-dad Johnny! Oh well, nite everyone! I'm going to bed!!!
Aug 31, 2006
More Info on Kailey & School
She starts Kindergarten on Tuesday of next week. Monday, Wednesday, and Friday she will attend PSCD (Pre-School Child Development) from 12 noon to 2pm. She will continue to see the speech therapist and physical therapist sometime during the week.
Kindergarten sends home Homework every Monday and it has to be turned in by Friday. She already has her first assignment...Writing her name! Boy was that fun tonight. It took about 30 mins to get her to trace the letters in her name and by then she was totally frustrated and wanted to quit. She doesn't understand they are letters and why she has to follow the lines. So explaining that to her was a challenge in itself. I don't know how this year is going to go, but I'll keep everyone updated.
Kindergarten sends home Homework every Monday and it has to be turned in by Friday. She already has her first assignment...Writing her name! Boy was that fun tonight. It took about 30 mins to get her to trace the letters in her name and by then she was totally frustrated and wanted to quit. She doesn't understand they are letters and why she has to follow the lines. So explaining that to her was a challenge in itself. I don't know how this year is going to go, but I'll keep everyone updated.
I am so stressed out!!!
A lady from school called and informed me that Kailey cannot go to Sure Start and PSCD class again this year. School Regulations state that a student can only be in those classes once. Even though the Principle signed off on it, it can't be done. I wanted to cry when she told me that. I still do. My poor Kailey. I can't imagine her starting Kindergarten already. She doesn't know any of her letters. She can't even write her name. She can count to 10, but doesn't know what any of the numbers look like. This is going to be a horrible year for her and probably a very stressful one. They did say that she can be held back next year if she isn't ready for 1st grade. Cassie even had a hard time last year, I can't even imagine what this is going to be like for Kailey. I have alot of hard work ahead of me and so do these teachers. I'd like to go up there and scream, cry, and give them a peice of my mind. But I know it won't do any good. The only good thing that will come out of this is that the girls will go to school at the same time every day, so I won't have to walk to the school twice in the morning. But still.........My little Kailey is NOT ready for Kindergarten yet and her teachers from last year all agreed on that. I guess it doesn't matter what they think though. Rules and Regulations are what matter!!! UGH!!!
Aug 27, 2006
Cassie's First Day of 1st Grade!
Today is Cassie's first day of 1st Grade!
She was very excited!!!
Here are some pictures:
Cassie at home ready to go:
Our walk up the hill to the school:
We stoped at the side gate near the basketball court to take a picture:
Cassie waiting in line for the principal to come talk about their first day:
On Me, CJ's, and Kailey's walk back we decided to take a picture of the beautiful Baumholder Church we see on our way back down the hill:
Today is only half a day. They get out at 11am.
Kailey's PSCD Teacher is coming over to our apartment this morning at 10am to do a home visit before her classes start. So I better go straighten up the livingroom.
She was very excited!!!
Here are some pictures:
Cassie at home ready to go:
Our walk up the hill to the school:
We stoped at the side gate near the basketball court to take a picture:
Cassie waiting in line for the principal to come talk about their first day:
On Me, CJ's, and Kailey's walk back we decided to take a picture of the beautiful Baumholder Church we see on our way back down the hill:
Today is only half a day. They get out at 11am.
Kailey's PSCD Teacher is coming over to our apartment this morning at 10am to do a home visit before her classes start. So I better go straighten up the livingroom.
Aug 22, 2006
Animal Park
Tuesday early morning we got up and went to the near by Animal Park. It was alot of fun. Most animals are not in cages and just walk around. Some will even let you pet them.
Here are a few pictures:
Kailey and Cassie getting some feed for the ducks:
Chuck and CJ:
CJ checking out all the ducks walking around:
CJ looking at them like they are crazy LOL:
The cutest little bunny I've ever seen:
Kailey tried forever to pet a pig, finally towards the end she finally did:
Cassie, Me, and Kailey:
Me giving Cassie and Kailey some chips to feed the pigs:
Cassie, Me, and Kailey in front of the goat cage:
Here are a few pictures:
Kailey and Cassie getting some feed for the ducks:
Chuck and CJ:
CJ checking out all the ducks walking around:
CJ looking at them like they are crazy LOL:
The cutest little bunny I've ever seen:
Kailey tried forever to pet a pig, finally towards the end she finally did:
Cassie, Me, and Kailey:
Me giving Cassie and Kailey some chips to feed the pigs:
Cassie, Me, and Kailey in front of the goat cage:
Aug 21, 2006
Monday Adventures
Aug 20, 2006
Sunday Around The House
Aug 19, 2006
Kusel Castle
Aug 18, 2006
My ultrasound appointment was today.
They took some really good pictures for me to share with everyone.
This picture below is of his boyhood:
This picture is looking up to his mouth and nose:
Profile picture from the side:
Another profile picture from the side:
We have decided to name this little bundle of joy Kristopher James (Kris for short)! The due date is still November 19th. They said at the time of the ultrasound he weighed 2 pounds!
They took some really good pictures for me to share with everyone.
This picture below is of his boyhood:
This picture is looking up to his mouth and nose:
Profile picture from the side:
Another profile picture from the side:
We have decided to name this little bundle of joy Kristopher James (Kris for short)! The due date is still November 19th. They said at the time of the ultrasound he weighed 2 pounds!
Aug 16, 2006
Trier Pictures
We had a great visit with Mama and Shannon while they were here.
Here are some pictures from today - Wednesday:
Kailey and Cassie!
Chuck and CJ! Check out the beautiful church in the background!
Mama, Shannon, Cassie, Kailey, and CJ in front of two different fountains.
Then Friday we went to a Gem Mine and Idar-Oberstein, but everyone forgot their cameras. So we don't have any pictures from that day.
Here are some pictures from today - Wednesday:
Kailey and Cassie!
Chuck and CJ! Check out the beautiful church in the background!
Mama, Shannon, Cassie, Kailey, and CJ in front of two different fountains.
Then Friday we went to a Gem Mine and Idar-Oberstein, but everyone forgot their cameras. So we don't have any pictures from that day.
Aug 14, 2006
Great Visit!
Aug 8, 2006
Quick Update
The weather is cold here in Germany. I left a window open last night and the house was freezing this morning! CJ is still trying to master his walking skills and boy has he hit the "terrible twos" early! Me and baby are doing fine. He or She kicks all the time and loves to keep me up as late as possible as night. I have found comfort in sleeping on the couch when hubby is working his night shifts. Something about the couch is more comfortable then the bed. I haven't been having any weird cravings. I do crave Speggetti and Meatballs for lunch everyday. Which kinda reminds me of when I was little and I'd eat Ravioli everyday for lunch. haha. We went birthday shopping and Christmas shopping this past weekend. Since Cassie was gone for her birthday this summer, we are planning to have the girls a party together while Mama and Shannon are visiting. Doing the Christmas shopping a little early I know, but we are hoping to get it out of the way and not wait till the last minute like we did last year. Chuck started his four day night shift last night, so of course he is sleeping right now. CJ is also taking his mid-day nap. Sooo I'm all alone in the front of the house where its nice and quiet, other than my little puppy Boots playing and growling at his toys in his cage. My friend Beth is leaving next Monday for two whole months to go back to the states to visit with her family. She might not know it, but I'm going to miss her. I called my Mema yesterday and talked with her for a little while. She is planning to come to Germany to visit next year. I'm very excited about that. Well I can't think of anything else to update about. I hope everyone back home is staying cool indoors with the air conditioner. I miss you all very much. I will update again probably next week sometime. Byes!
Aug 4, 2006
I made my Ultrasound Appointment Today!
It will August 18th at 9:45am. I can't hardly wait!
Poor mama will probably get stuck baby sitting, cause we are not allowed to take the kids with us.
We also went and bought the babies Bassinet today, after I find out the sex, I'll add the correct blue or pink ribbons to it and I'll post a picture of it.
I'll also throw in some belly shots.
Countdown till Ultrasound: 14 days!!!!
Poor mama will probably get stuck baby sitting, cause we are not allowed to take the kids with us.
We also went and bought the babies Bassinet today, after I find out the sex, I'll add the correct blue or pink ribbons to it and I'll post a picture of it.
I'll also throw in some belly shots.
Countdown till Ultrasound: 14 days!!!!
Aug 3, 2006
CJ's first visit to the German Hospital
My little CJ has a rash all over his body, little red bumps, the doc seems to think it was from an alergic reaction, we just dont know from what...we had to take him to the krankenhous early this morning. Just thought I'd let everyone know. He was running fever alot yesterday and didn't feel well. I thought he was just teething again, guess I was wrong. The doctor gave me two creams to use and told me to give him a bath in baby oil and don't use soap. Never heard of that before but o.k. Hopefully it will go away in a few days. The doctor wants to see him again Monday, but if its gone by then, he doesn't. So guess we will see. Its driving me nuts as to what he is alergic to. I haven't changed soaps or his food or anything. The doc mentioned it could of been something we brought in on our shoes and CJ crawled in our path. But we always take our shoes off at the door, but he is known to crawl by the door too. So I dunno, guess I'll just have to wait and see how he does and if it goes away.